Category: UX UI Design

Top 10 UI UX Design Companies in Bangalore

Bangalore, also called India’s Silicon Valley, is indeed bustling with creativity. At the root of this pulsating ecosystem is UI/UX design. Every startup and established enterprise is scrounging around for attention from the top lists of UI/UX design agencies in Bangalore to create awesome user experiences. Amongst such a vast range of options, it indeed gets very confusing as to which partner is the right one for you.

What Matters: Your Needs

The key to success is understanding your specific needs. And here’s a framework to guide you through it:

  1. Define Your Project Goals: What do you want to achieve? Would that be a user-friendly mobile app elevating customer engagement, or maybe a lean and mean e-commerce platform driving sales? Knowing exactly what you want to achieve will help you pick a UI/UX design company with vast experience in exactly what you need.
  2. Know Your Audience and Their Personas: Who are you designing for? One must be able to flesh out highly elaborate user personas on the needs, pain points, and behavioral patterns that capture a target audience. This will ensure your design resonates with your ideal users.
  3. Industry-Specific Experience and Portfolio: Not all UI/UX design companies are equal. Seek a firm that has established experience working in your specific industry. Thoroughly go through their portfolio to see if they have handled projects like yours earlier; for example, B2B UI/UX design companies in Bangalore would be best suited for B2B projects. The more experience, the better the understanding of the needs of your industry and design challenges.
  4. Company Culture and Communication: A good collaboration needs cultural fit. Does the company believe in its design philosophy and is that aligned to your vision? Also, obviously, there should be very open communication. See if the company respects open dialogue and is ready for your active engagement while the design process is running.
  5. Budget and Value Proposition: Budgets are almost everyone’s constraint, but one has to look at finding the right value proposition for one’s requirement. Don’t get carried away with “cheapest.” The top UI/UX design agencies in Bangalore or anywhere will be able to showcase what ROI is derivable through great design.

The Top 10 UI/UX Design Companies in Bangalore

  1. GoodWorkLabs: Renowned for next-gen UI/UX design in innovation and user-centered design, GoodWorkLabs merges creativity with technology to drive intuitive and engaging digital experiences.
  2. Net Bramha Studios: Carving a niche in delivering user-centred design that drives business success on the back of its strategic design approach and quality deliverables is Net Bramha Studios.
  3. Lollypop Design Studio: A global design studio with a strong focus on user research and usability testing. Lollypop Design Studio is a name that people recognize for visually stunning and along-with, very functional designs.
  4. Thence: Specialize in the creation of seamless user experiences through rigorous research into and thorough knowledge of user behavior. Thence is dedicated to impactful, user-friendly interfaces.
  5. Wow Makers: A digital experience design agency combining creative design and strategic thinking to offer memorable experiences. They are known for their ability to turn complex problems into simple, elegant solutions.
  6. Fusion  Charts: With the acumen of data visualization, Fusion Charts comes up with interactive insight-oriented UI/UX designs in a quest to bring simplicity to handling complex data.
  7. IDesignStudio: This is an integrated design studio offering end-to-end UI/UX services. IDesignStudio is known for attention to detail and designs in coherence with the goals of the business.
  8. Think Design: At Think Design, integrating design thinking into their process assures innovation and user-friendliness in every design. What differentiates them is research-driven design.
  9. Koru UX Design: Enterprise UX design service, that specializes in creating effective and user-friendly solutions for systems and applications complex in nature.
  10.  Inkoniq: It blends creativity with a deep knowledge base of technology to create one-of-a-kind yet engaging digital experience products. Their design approach is holistic, ensuring each touchpoint of the user’s experience.

Best UI/UX design services providers in Bangalore work more like partners. Find those companies that can continuously support and evolve with the changing needs by continuing to provide the best UI/UX design solutions as the business grows.

Though this is not all about ranking while associating with a perfect UI/UX design partner, it is more deeply related to your needs, objectives, and organizational culture, which helps drive the perfect association to give a fillip to your user experience and realize business goals.


But that is not all. GoodWorkLabs is not going to be any other tech outfit; we’re your end-to-end partner in digital transformation—fastidiously engineering solutions that propel business forward. Imagine a world where:

Mobile App Development: Your brand will just be a tap away from your customer. Our wizards in mobile app development show exceptional skill in developing high-performance apps on both iOS and Android platforms. We take your vision through to completion, incorporating new-age features, robust backend development, and seamless integrations with your other existing systems. Building apps that not only impress but solve your customers’ problems, enhance engagement, and foster brand loyalty these are what we focus on.

Software Development: Looking for custom software development requirements that best suit your specific business needs? Look no more. With expertise spanning a large plethora of technologies, it is our seasoned software developers who build custom applications to bring ease to workflows through task automation and higher operational efficiency. We have experience and technical acumen, from enterprise-level applications to highly specific and niche industry solutions, to develop software that empowers teams and empowers growth in business.

Cloud Computing: Not comfortable with managing complex on-premise IT infrastructures? We let you realize the power of cloud computing. Our cloud migration experts will seamlessly shift your data and applications to the cloud in a secure and scalable environment. Besides reducing your costs, this would let you get back to your core business activities while we continue the management and further optimization of your cloud infrastructure.
This is, at best, the tip of the iceberg. GoodWorkLabs goes much beyond development. What we also offer includes:

IT Consulting: Be it strategy, expert guidance, or a roadmap to attaining your digital transformation goals, our strategic IT consultants extend as an arm of your team. We assess your current infrastructure, identifying potential opportunities and recommending the most effective technology solution that will help you meet your goals—considering your specific needs and budget.

On choosing GoodWorkLabs, you’re not only getting services; you are gaining a trusted partner who’s committed to our success. We will not only develop, but strategize, consult, implement, and support you each step of the way. Just let us empower you to embrace your digital future and unlock the full potential of your business.

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs UI/UX Design Services

We all hate it when the bank’s website makes everything too complex and takes you round and round on the same menu without letting you make a transaction. Or when you’re booking a ticket and the payment page suddenly crashes. Or how about those websites that (rather proudly) showcase a dozen or so download buttons confusing you with which one to click? Think of your experience and what you did afterwards. You decided that you wouldn’t be using that website or tool consciously unless the fate of the world depended on it. Right?


If your website or app is difficult to use, users will click away in seconds. There’s a clear distinction between looking good and being easy to use. UI/UX design bridges this gap, ensuring a website is not only visually appealing but also intuitive and user-friendly. By prioritizing user needs through good UI/UX design, you create a positive experience that keeps users engaged, coming back for more, and ultimately, converting them into loyal customers.


A user-friendly website or app isn’t just a bonus; it’s a fundamental building block for business success. But what exactly is UI/UX design, and why should your business invest in these services?

Understanding UI/UX Design Principles

UI/UX design covers the visual attractiveness (User Interface, or UI) and ease of use (User Experience, or UX) of a digital product, as mentioned earlier. UI design emphasizes the visual aspect, making sure of an attractive and aesthetic interface that aligns with your brand. On the other hand, UX design focuses on how users engage with your product, emphasizing easy navigation, organized information layout, and a smooth user experience that leads them to specific tasks.

Data Speaks Volumes: The Impact of UI/UX Design

A whopping 88% of online consumers report that a bad user experience is enough to deter them from returning to a website. This highlights the critical role UI/UX design plays in user engagement and ultimately, your bottom line. However the benefits extend far beyond preventing user frustration. Let’s dive deeper into the six compelling reasons why your business needs UI/UX design services.

  • Boost Audience Engagement & Sales

Imagine a website that’s visually captivating, easy to navigate, and guides users intuitively towards completing a purchase. This is the power of effective UI/UX design. Studies by Marketing Sherpa reveal that well-designed landing pages can increase conversion rates by up to 400%. Clear calls to action, a streamlined user flow, and a user-friendly interface all contribute to a positive user experience, ultimately driving conversions and sales.

  • Reduced Development Cost & Faster Time-to-Market

Investing in UI/UX design upfront can save you significant time and money down the line. By creating well-defined UI/UX prototypes, you identify potential usability issues early in the development process. This minimizes the need for costly rework during development and ensures a smoother, more efficient launch. According to a Clutch study, businesses utilizing UI/UX design services before development report an average of 55% reduction in development costs.

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction & Brand Loyalty

A positive user experience fosters customer satisfaction and builds brand loyalty. When users find your website or app intuitive and enjoyable to use, they’re more likely to return and become loyal customers. Research suggests that there is a strong correlation between user experience and customer satisfaction scores. Satisfied customers are 2.6 times more likely to make a repurchase. By prioritizing user needs through UI/UX design, you create a positive brand experience that fosters customer loyalty.

  • Establish a Favorable Brand Reputation

First impressions matter. A visually appealing and user-friendly website/app reflects positively on your brand’s image and professionalism. Recent studies show that a whopping 75% of users judge a company’s credibility based on its website design. Investing in UI/UX design ensures your brand presents itself in the best light, fostering trust and confidence among potential customers.

  • Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines favour websites that offer a positive user experience. User-friendly website design, clear navigation, and a well-structured information architecture all contribute to better search engine ranking. By optimizing your UI/UX design, you ensure your website is not only user-friendly but also discoverable by your target audience.

  • Gain Valuable User Insights and Data

UI/UX design isn’t a one-time fix; it’s an iterative process. A core aspect of UI/UX design services involves user research and testing. Through surveys, usability testing, and user behaviour analytics, valuable insights are gleaned into user needs, preferences, and pain points. According to a study by Forbes, 87% of businesses utilize user research to improve their products and services. By incorporating user feedback into your UI/UX design, you create a product that truly resonates with your target audience.

Investing in Your Success: Partner with GoodWorkLabs

The benefits of UI/UX design are undeniable. By prioritizing user experience, you can create a website or app that engages users, drives conversions, and fosters brand loyalty. At GoodWorkLabs (, we offer a comprehensive suite of UI/UX design services tailored to your specific business needs. Our team of experienced designers utilizes cutting-edge methodologies and user-centric approaches to craft intuitive and visually stunning digital experiences.


Ready to unlock the power of UI/UX design for your business? Contact GoodWorkLabs

Best Practices for Optimizing User Experience (UX) Design

Where user-centricity and seamless interactions are essential, optimizing User Experience (UX) design has become necessary for the success of any digital product or service in the digital age. UX design is focused on fostering effective, satisfying, and positive user-interface interactions. This blog explores the best practices that can take UX design to new heights and guarantee the development of intuitive, captivating, and user-friendly experiences.


1) User Centered Design Approach 

  • Prioritizing users is the foundation of outstanding UX design
  • Developing designs that resonate with the target audience, entails understanding their needs, preferences, behaviors and challenges. 
  • Insights are gathered through in-depth user research and user personas are created to personify the audience. 
  • Users and the product can develop a strong emotional connection when designers take the time to understand their needs and empathize with them.
  •  By laying the groundwork for designs that cater to people on a personal level, this method raises user satisfaction and engagement over the long run

2) Clear and Consistent Navigation 

  • The key to a seamless user experience is simple, clear and consistent navigation. 
  • Establishing a logical and intuitive navigation system that capitalizes on well-known user patterns must be a top priority for designers. 
  • Maintaining consistency in menu positioning, labeling and organization across different pages or screens is essential. 
  • This smooth navigation enables users to easily find and access requested content, reducing any possible aggravation and boosting general satisfaction. 
  • By following these guidelines, designers help users navigate the digital interface smoothly, enabling them to interact peacefully with the good or service and nurturing a long-lasting sense of contentment.

3) Responsive and Mobile Friendly Design 

  • In  today’s mobile-centric world responsive design is a must. 
  • You must make sure that your design adapts to various screen sizes and orientations without losing any of its functionality or aesthetic appeal. 
  • Adopting a mobile-first strategy is crucial because it ensures that people can access and interact with your product without hindrance, regardless of the device they choose to use. 
  • This strategy recognizes the various ways people interact with technology while also improving accessibility and diversity.
  •  Responsive design increases user happiness by offering a consistent and optimized experience, whatever of the platform they’re using, by taking into account the various dimensions and capabilities of devices.

4) Streamlined Onboarding

  • In UX design, first impressions lay the groundwork for creating lasting impressions. 
  • Effectively communicating to users the value and capabilities of the product requires a quick onboarding process. 
  • Make sure the onboarding process is quick, interesting and interactive. 
  • Over-informing users can be avoided by employing the progressive disclosure technique, where features are gradually added. This tactic keeps people engaged while simultaneously preventing information overload. 
  • By ensuring a seamless beginning, bounce rates can be decreased as the foundation for ongoing user involvement is laid. 
  • In essence, a seamless onboarding procedure lays the groundwork for user satisfaction and a lasting relationship with the product.

5) Minimize Cognitive Load 

  • The secret to user engagement is simplicity.
  •  The experience can be made simpler by segmenting the material into easily digestible chunks and utilizing visual hierarchy.
  •  Draw attention to important aspects by emphasizing on them while reducing distractions. 
  • Keep typeface, color schemes and layout consistent to create a streamlined, cohesive experience that doesn’t overwhelm users. 
  • By following these guidelines, you not only lessen cognitive load but also improve users’ capacity for information processing and fluid interaction. 
  • This strategy promotes a more engaging and intuitive experience, allowing users to easily move around the interface and increasing their likelihood of long-term engagement with your product or service.

ui/ux design


6) Optimized Page Speed 

  • In the digital world, users have little patience, and slow loading might turn them off. 
  • Placing an emphasis on page performance optimization is essential for providing a responsive and effective experience. 
  • Speeding up loading times can be accomplished through decreasing HTTP requests, using browser caching and compressing pictures. 
  • A quick experience not only makes users happy but also improves search engine results. You can foster an environment where people are engaged and satisfied by making sure your digital offering loads quickly and reacts quickly to user activities.
  • Fast-loading websites are preferred by search engines, which increases your online visibility and eventually helps your digital presence succeed.

7) Accessibility for all 

  • Inclusive design is both a moral duty and a legal mandate. 
  • It’s important to produce designs that adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and are accessible to users with disabilities. 
  • This entails including alternative text for images, providing keyboard navigation options and assuring screen reader compatibility. 
  • By putting accessibility first, you not only reach a wider audience but also make a significant contribution to creating a more equitable and just digital world. 
  • Inclusivity provides a sense of belonging for all users, supporting the idea that everyone should have access to and benefit from technology.

8) User Feedback and Iteration 

  • Feedback is a priceless tool for improving UX design. 
  • Create channels for users to provide feedback and carefully evaluate any comments they may have. 
  • Utilize analytic tools to continuously evaluate user behavior to identify problems and potential improvements. 
  • Continuous advancements made possible by iterative design are in line with the shifting needs of users.
  •  A collaborative relationship is developed, enhancing user happiness and creative solutions, by fostering an environment where user input is appreciated. 
  • A user experience that is consistently responsive, compelling and customized to their developing preferences is made possible by this dynamic interchange, which ensures that the design remains attuned to consumers’ evolving expectations.

9) Usability Testing 

  • Usability testing is an important benchmark for assessing the success of designs. 
  • Engage real people in using your product while carefully observing their interactions. 
  • This procedure reveals potential friction spots, sources of uncertainty and stumbling hurdles. 
  • The design can be improved by utilizing the knowledge gained from usability testing, leading to the development of a more user-friendly and intuitive product. 
  • You may improve the design to better reflect the tastes and behaviors of real users by immersing them in the testing phase. This gives you priceless insights into their real-world experiences. 
  • With this strategy, the finished product will resonate well with people, providing a seamless and satisfying experience.

10) Aesthetics and Visual Consistency 

  • Aesthetics have a big impact on how users feel and perceive things.
  •  Aim for a design that is striking and supports the essence of your brand. 
  • Keep the typeface, color palette and design elements of the interface consistent. An interface that has been thoughtfully created improves user satisfaction while also conveying competence and dependability. 
  •  A connection between customers and your brand is established, through a uniform visual language , increasing user engagement and trust. 
  • A well-executed design not only creates a pleasing aesthetic experience, but it also increases the brand’s authority and credibility, giving users a lasting positive impression.

In today’s oversaturated digital market user experience has the potential to be your product’s main point of differentiation . Users will engage with and promote your product if UX design is approached holistically, using user-centered principles, intuitive navigation, accessibility and iterative upgrades. You can develop a remarkable user experience that has a positive lasting effect by emphasizing on user needs, providing simple interfaces and continuously improving your design through feedback.


At GoodWorkLabs, we specialize in crafting interactive and user-centric UI/UX designs for mobile and software products. Our solutions cater to diverse enterprise needs, delivering engaging user experiences across devices. Our commitment lies in aiding your software development journey by creating applications that excel. Renowned tech industry giants like Apple, Flipkart, Google etc., repeatedly choose us for our impressive UI/UX design and development services With a skilled team and vast experience, we curate visually appealing and navigable designs. Backed by a remarkable portfolio, a stellar track record, and unparalleled work ethics, we stand as one of the foremost companies for UI/UX design and development services globally.

Our expertise extends to various domains. In mobile app UI/UX, we’ve successfully developed user-friendly applications for brands like, Phoenix Market city, and Sesame Street. Whether it’s Android, iOS, or Windows, our proficiency spans all platforms. To get help building interactive and user-centric UI/UX designs contact us or visit our website to learn more.

What Is The Need For Good UX/UI Design In An Application?

The UX/UI plays a major role in the success of any application. The UX/UI can make or break the application. No matter how useful the app is but until it does not engage the users, it is of no use. User Experience or UX Design measures the effectiveness and utility of a website or application. Whether it is in-house software, websites, mobile applications, or games, UX design is a critical factor. 

How GoodWorkLabs can help you?

GoodWorkLabs have made a name for ourselves with our creative, cutting-edge work in the field for being a stellar quality UI UX design studio in Bangalore. When the competition is so high, your application must be built with an appealing design that influences the customers and gets things done quickly. Choosing the best UI/UX design studio is an important step, as UI/UX design of mobile apps plays a key role in your mobile app’s success. Make sure to provide users with a fantastic UI/UX. The rating and reviews of a satisfied customer will bring your mobile app to the top, and getting featured on the top list will get more users to your app.

Choose GoodWorkLabs, the UX/UI design studio in Bangalore

The best companies in the world have hired GoodWorkLabs to design the UX and visual design of their products, apps and games. GoodWorkLabs is now known to help innovative startups to come up with path-breaking design and UX. GoodWorkLabs is one of the best UI UX Design Studio in Bangalore, which the best companies in the world have hired to design the UI UX of their applications. 

Based out of Bangalore, India, we have expertly dealt with the UX design requirements of many reputed companies. Our clients have reached new heights with their business with our services, drawing in new customers and creating effective two-way communication platforms with customers using our detailed yet minimalist UX design solutions.

When you invest in a UI/UX design development company to make your application, you are investing in your brand value. Users tend to stay with brands that provide the best deal. A good relationship between your organization and customers will increase your business’s plausibility and create good brand value. 

If you want to leverage the immense potential of the internet medium and the app economy and want a platform to reach out to potential customers and provide them with some great UX, we are just the right people for the job. Get in touch with us and tell us your requirements, and we would be happy to provide you with a free quote to get things started. Get your application built with the best UI/UX design company in BangaloreGoodWorkLabs and take your brand to the next level. Our designed applications are also featured in the best app designs of 2023 by DesignRush! For more information, contact us now. 

How Hiring Remote Developers Can Benefit You?

COVID-pandemic has brought both health and humanitarian crises. Several companies have adapted to the situation to safeguard the health and find new ways to ensure business continuity. Across industries, there is a need for transformation & reimagining new ways of working. Hiring remote developers is one such way to ensure continuous development, scalability, and quick ramping of teams.

If you plan to launch a web or mobile app, it is important to hire dedicated remote developers. Skilled and expert developers play an important role critical to the success of your project. Companies and critics skeptical of remote developers due to long-held assumptions are now embracing the hire developer model. This model gives companies the flexibility and agility to scale teams.

Advantages to Hire Remote Developers for Your Project
Continuous Development

Offshore Dedicated development teams work in different time zones, giving your business continuous and much-needed development support. This ensures that you have a quicker time to market. While it might not be possible to deploy an in-house team that works round-the-clock, it is possible to hire remote developers offering continuous development support, integration, maintenance, and strategic support related to deployment. Regular meetings with remote teams with overlapping schedules will help meet development and immediately solve the technical glitches.

Enhances Scalability

Hiring remote developers offers quick scalability to businesses with relatively fewer risks and overhead costs. With remote developers, you can hire experts with a background in niche technologies to bridge skills deficits. Whether there is a seasonal peak, change in business realities, or stringent deadlines, you can ensure quick scalability or ramp down the team.

A dedicated team of developers can manage a suite of tasks ranging from the web or mobile app development, theme customization, plugin development, or a new mobile app.

Access to Global Talent Pool

A dedicated development team consists of an agile workforce quickly learning new technologies in the tech world and constantly upgrading skills to meet different project needs. The dedicated offshore team also solves these problems by embracing change and allowing the creation and implementation of innovative training programs.

When you hire remote web or mobile app developers, you can multiply productivity with access to skilled talent and re-align resources to activities related to revenue generation.

Ability to Focus on Your Core Business

For a non-technical founder or an entrepreneur, the option to hire remote developers, designers, or QA professionals offers much-needed flexibility. Owners can focus more on growing their venture and other critical aspects such as sales, marketing, business development, and client relations. Hiring remote mobile and web developers allow founders to invest more time in critical business activities. It reduces stress as experts handle development activities.

Augment In-House Team

Remote developers can augment and expand the strength of in-house teams. After all, remote developers provide the critical skills and technical expertise required in the project when they’re needed most. Remote developers can bridge the knowledge gap existing in the in-house team, and in some cases, remote developers complete repetitive tasks so that in-house teams can focus on complex issues. Demand for dedicated development teams is increasing exponentially across different domains, especially high-growth industries such as retail, real estate, manufacturing.

Lower Overheads

Cost arbitrage is one of the key benefits for businesses ranging from startups to mid-size companies. It saves companies from investing in technology infrastructure, recruitments, benefits, training & development, and more. This could be a decisive factor or breakthrough for companies looking to scale.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the factors that you’ll benefit from by hiring remote developers. In order to launch a successful app, why not connect with the best? Contact the best mobile app development company in Bangalore, GoodWorkLabs! GoodWork’s team of expert developers and designers will make sure you get the best application! Contact here

Top 10 Tips To Follow While Redesigning Your Website 

A website authorizes the online presence of a brand. Every business should have a good responsive website which they should keep updated. Redesigning the complete website is also an important factor that plays role in the success of your site. There are various factors that are important for the success of your website such as page load time, navigation, amazing visuals, responsiveness, etc. Without an excellent website design no matter how good your product or services are, it will be of no use as the customer won’t navigate the site. 

One of the major concerns during redesigning a website is that you need to be even more careful than you were while designing the website for the first time. As any mistake now will lead to even more downtime and you could lose your current customers instead of gaining more. So in this blog, we will discuss the top ten tips that you should follow while redesigning your current website. Read on – 

1. The UI/UX matters 

Make sure to redesign your site in a way that it becomes even more engaging to customers. The site must be easily navigable and have a good layout. You also need to ensure that your site is functioning properly and the UI/UX further enhances the whole thing. The website also needs to be simplistic for visitors and they get what they are seeking instantly.   

2. Page load time

The page load time is an important factor that brings in new visitors to your site. While redesigning make sure not to overboard with images and pages or you will surely lose visitors if your site loads slowly. A slow load time can impact your SEO also. Hence, you should ensure that you work on decreasing the load time or atleast do not slow it.

3. Know the pros and cons of your website 

Before delving into the work, you must do a thorough analysis of your website. This will give you a clear picture of what you are looking for and how your site should appear after the redesign. You should know what you have to work on and what is fine. You can also compare with another site to know what you want and do not want. Make sure to share it with your website design company. 

4. Fix the mobile website experience

Most people use their mobile devices to navigate and do work. So it is an important factor to consider in your website designing strategy. You must know whether your website is responsive or it has any flaws and then works on it in your redesigning process. Give priority to mobile-friendly websites first. 

5. Fix an accurate budget

Fixing a budget prior to delving into the process is a major step you need to take up. If you are of the view that redesigning will cost you less than what you paid for in the first place then probably you are wrong. As with time technology changes, labour cost changes and there are various other things that come into play. It also depends on the different features and functionalities you need to integrate into the website. Hence, keep your budget in mind and then move forward. 

6. Analyze your site

Before delving into redesigning you must analyze all the outputs of your current site. In this way, you can later compare between the new site and the older one. This will give you an insight into ROI and the improvements your business has made after the upgradation. Hence, ensure to ask for these metrics from your web designing agency. 

7. Hire the right team for Website Redesign

It is really important to connect with a good website designing company, who will perform your website redesigning. The company should have experience in similar work and make sure to check out their portfolio before signing the deal. After all, your website is the face of your business on the internet and you cannot trust any random one for revamping it. 

8. Market it properly

Just redesigning the website will fetch you nothing if it is not marketed properly. Yes, you need to do this work again and relaunch your updated website. As you already have a customer base hence it will be easier this time but you need to inform your current and potential customers. This will give a boost to your site and more leads to your business. 

9. Provide a Proper Contact Information

Call to Action or CTA is a very important addition to your website that will direct your visitors to contact you. But one more thing that you should ensure is error-free, that is the contact us page. Your clients must get to connect with you easily. Display your contact information on almost every page so that clients can connect with you instantly. It is also advisable to have multiple ways of contacting you. 

10. Rethink your Brand’s voice

As soon as a user’s lands on your site they make an opinion about it in just a few seconds to you need to make an impact immediately otherwise you’ll lose the attention. For that rethink your brand and what exactly you want to portray yourself to your customers. Hence, make sure to add the USP, the CTA and your products or services alongside testimonials in a clear view.

Wrapping Up

All the above ten points are a basic checklist that you must follow while redesigning your site. By avoiding the mistakes and working on pain points will help you accomplish whatever you have strategized for your website. But the foremost thing you need for it is a good website designing team that will do the work for you. Do thorough research before assigning the work and discuss everything in detail. This will ensure there are no problems later on. 

You can connect with GoodWorkLabs for all your website development and revamping needs. Connect with the expert team here. 

Factors Affecting The Cost Of A Mobile App Design

In this era of digitization, most business organizations opt for a mobile app to retain user attention. With some quick swipes and information at hand, consumers have become accustomed to different types of apps. However, developing these applications is not an easy task. The cost of building an app that can gain mass approval is tremendous. That is why you must seek the assistance of experts, who can make things easier for you. Why not choose an experienced team to do the work for you? Especially when you are unsure about the technical jargons and the various factors that can affect the success of your application. 

One important thing to consider is the cost associated with the development of a mobile application. In simple terms, the more features and advanced design you opt for, the higher is the cost. But there are certainly other factors that play a role in deciding the cost of mobile app development. Let’s discuss in details the major factors that affect the cost of mobile app design – 

  • App type

The type of app you want to develop plays a crucial role. You can choose from – simple mobile apps, gaming apps, hybrid apps, native apps, etc. If you opt for the simple one, the cost will be less and vice-versa.  If you want an app for both android and iOS then going for hybrid app development will be a better option. 

  • Size of the app

Another vital criterion is the app size. These can be categorized into – large, medium, and small. Large apps are considerably complex and have numerous features. Medium apps are built for only one platform but have different characteristics. In the case of simple apps, there are limited functionalities. 

  • Platform

Now, deciding the platform for which the app is built can influence the cost. For instance, if it supports both iOS and Android, then the price will be more. Moreover, developing the app on a hybrid app development model will make it easier to launch on another platform. 

  • Visual designs

Visual designs consist of icons, themes, logos, user interface, and several other pointers. The cost depends on the complexity of the visual designs, the expertise of the designer, and the timeframe of the project. 

  • Features

As a general rule, the more characteristics, the higher will be the cost. You can eliminate features if you think that it is exceeding the pre-set budget. You cannot miss the basic features such as navigation, user login, messaging, payment gateway, etc. but can eliminate the add-ons. 

  • Prototype

Before the actual app is launched, the prototype is made and repeatedly tested. It is to ensure that the ultimate result is free of glitches. 

  • Testing

With the growing features and other aspects, it is vital to test the application. It is to ensure that the users have a hassle-free rich user experience. Moreover, it will also allow the development team to iron out the issues. 

  • Security

Security is one of the most crucial factors that can influence the cost. It is vital to remember that the app will hold critical personal information. You must opt for cutting-edge security features to protect these data. For this, you can use encryption technology. 

  • Maintenance 

Mobile applications need constant maintenance. Moreover, you also need to offer updates periodically. It is vital to address the issues of the customers and resolve them. Furthermore, revamping the app appearance from time to time is essential to maintain & retain user attention. 

  • Marketing

Marketing is also a crucial factor when deciding on the cost of app design. It is vital that you promote your app, otherwise just making an application is of no use. Keep in mind that if people don’t know about your application, they are unlikely to use it. You will have to employ more than one strategy of effective marketing. 

Wrapping Up

These are some of the factors that determine the cost of the mobile app design. In order to launch a successful app, why not connect with the best? Contact the best mobile app development company in Bangalore, GoodWorkLabs! GoodWork’s team of expert developers and designers will make sure you get the best application! Contact here

Why Is UI/UX Important In An Application? Read Details

The majority of people consume digital media either on desktop or mobile phones. Both of these platforms have a high number of users, making mobile and other technologies gain worldwide popularity.  With the advancement in technology and the number of smartphone users increasing day by day, people want to get more things done in less time and quickly. This makes the importance of UI/UX design for your mobile application even more crucial today. People opt for mobile devices over the desktop for many reasons, the major one being convenience.  The other one being the functionality and ability of mobile devices to get things done quickly. GoodWorkLabs is one of the eminent UI/UX design studios in Bangalore that provides best-in-class service that makes your application stand out from the crowd. 

When the competition is such high, your application must be built with an appealing design that influences the customers and gets things done quickly. For that choosing, the best UI/UX design studio is an important step, as UI/UX design of mobile app plays a key role in your mobile app’s success. 

So, you are thinking, what are UI and UX? Let’s understand these terms first – 



UI stands for the user interface. It is through UI that users interact with the mobile application. The user interface includes all the controls, buttons, blocks, and elements of the app.  The user interface’s primary goal is to provide easy and effective interaction between the user and the application. 

UX stands for user experience. UX provides the overall experience for the user. It must be clear, comfortable, and user-friendly and should work to turn your users into loyal customers.


Why UI/UX is essential in the application?

The designing part of the app must be top-notch; otherwise, no matter the functionality, your app will fail. Rather, the ideal match is to strike the right balance between the app’s functionality and UI/UX. Doing so will make the app a successful one!

The importance of UI/UX Design in Mobile apps –
  • Captivates Users

When users open your app, the first thing that impacts them is the designing part. Secondly, when they start using it, the focus is on engagement. Hence, your app should have the best of both to grip your customers to it.  

  • Customer Satisfaction

When your app has a good design and runs smoothly, it presents your customer with easy navigation, making them satisfied by its usage.  A pleased customer will recommend your app to others, which in turn gives you potential leads, thereby increasing the ROI on your business.

  • Saves time and cost

If you get the best UI/UX design studio to work on your application, your customers will not discover any trouble or difficulty using your application. An excellent product will not require a frequent update and help you save time and money.

  • Get featured in the app store

Make sure to provide users with a fantastic UI/UX. The rating and reviews of a satisfied customer will bring your mobile app to the top, and getting featured on the top list will get more users to your app.

  • UI/UX design boost your brand

The best marketing strategy is to satisfy your present customers, and they will fetch you much more. When you invest in a UI/UX design development company to make your application, you are investing in your brand value. Users tend to stay with brands that provide the best value. 

A good relationship between your organization and customers will increase your business’s plausibility and create good brand value. Get your application built with the best UI/UX design company in BangaloreGoodWorkLabs and take your brand to the next level. Contact now!

The Importance Of UI And UX Design For Mobile Apps

Many times we come across a new application but we end up closing it. The reasons are varied, either the app doesn’t fit your screen, or doesn’t look that appealing, or is just too complicated to navigate? Or do you remember how you felt when you opened an app – your first impression? Good, boring or amazing?

So what happens when your app doesn’t match the consumer’s expectations and they face any issue related to your application design – of course, they would choose to uninstall and look for better options. This is where an experienced UI and UX designer comes to your rescue. The design and development industry has withstood the test of time and has evolved. While many brands keep on updating their app designs depending upon the consumer behaviour, there are still few brands that are not giving the attention to the app design that it deserves. Such brands or companies will slowly fade away from consumer’s smartphones and app stores.

In this article, let us look at what is the importance of UI and UX design for mobile apps. But before that, let us understand what does UI and UX mean.

You can also read – ‘The Importance of UI and UX Design for Mobile Applications’ to get further insights.

User Interface(UI), is a way through which a user interacts with the application. User Experience(UX), is about creating a system or application which provides the best experience to the users. Consult GoodWorkLabs, the eminent UX design studio in Bangalore, to get applications with world-class designs.


Why does your app need an efficient UI and UX design? 

Living in a fast-paced world, the attention span of customers/users is limited to just a few seconds. Therefore it is very important to catch their attention in a short time span so that they hook to your application for a long period of time. A user will spend more time on your application, and if both of you are on the same page he/she may become a loyal user. So, what is it that can grab a user’s attention in no time? Well, it is the UI and UX of the application that helps them to be hooked to an app. A favourable and relevant UI and UX design will help you in keeping your users engaged.

So apart from captivating users, here is what UI and UX do:

Enhances customer satisfaction

A happy user will surely recommend your app to their peers, friends and other close circles. An impressive app with easy to navigate interface, compelling design and insightful content will keep your users satisfied with the services of your application. This will increases your user database, thereby helping you increase downloads of your application.

Understanding user behaviour 

UI and UX design can help you customise your application for different audience segments, thereby keeping all your audiences sets engaged and happy. As the UI and UX of an app are designed by keeping audiences or users in the core, hence it automatically attracts the audience it is built for. UI & UX also gauge the user journey through your app so that helps you analyse the flaws in your application’s UI and UX design and you can take corrective measures to bridge the gaps.

Builds your brand 

An application that impresses the users will automatically become popular among users. UI and UX design play a major role in keeping your audiences engaged, happy, and loyal. People like engaging with applications that provide value and proves useful. It also adds more credibility to your business, which increases your business and brand value.

Consult GoodWorkLabs, the renowned UX design studio in Bangalore

The ideal way to ace your UI and UX design is to understand your audience needs. If you are looking to have a compelling UI and UX design then reach out to us at [email protected] or call +91- 9863077000 and our creative UI and UX design team will build an efficient and effective UI and UX design for your application.


How Animations can lead to great UX Designs

Animations for UX Design

Do you think good visuals and an appealing user interface is enough to keep people hooked to your app?

Think again!

With smartphones establishing their existence in the pocket of almost every individual, the number of mobile applications has been steadily increasing. Such a situation has made it very difficult for mobile apps to stand out with something unique on offer.

This is where animations have upped the game for many applications. Without enough animations, even the best interfaces will only lead to confusion among users and instil a feeling where they are choosing things directly without any context. Nicely done animations prove crucial to enhance the user experience of your design and deliver the users a satisfying, smooth and delightful overall experience.

Animations can use and combine the sound and haptic features in mobile applications, enabling the general experience to be much more close to reality with a considerable reduction in the cognitive load as well. The pressure is less because animations make it easier to recognize every connection and context pretty quickly when using an app.


Principles of Creating Animated Interfaces

Here are some of the principles which are unavoidable when you create animated interfaces. Regardless of the tools, techniques, and framework you use, these principles will come in handy.


1) Attention and Focus:
The most significant objective of any animation in your app is to give a context and also direct the focus of a user to critical elements for a more fluid experience. The screens which seem without any connection can be seamlessly merged to assist the user in navigating while using your website or app.

To get the maximum impact from the animations on your app, you need to learn the art of restraint. Admittedly, it is a tempting prospect to exhibit a lot of animation on every single screen on your app. If you get carried away then the core motive of including animation gets lost in the process.


2) Order and Hierarchy with sequences:
If you are pondering to animate every element in your user interface, your thought process may incline in the wrong direction. While the right set of animation will focus the attention of a user inevitably, too much of it on a single page will also divert the attention.

However, if you still want to animate multiple elements on a single screen, you should always use a small delay in between them. Ensure that the ease and duration of animations are consistent. The entire process of this timing and delay in animation is known as the choreography principle of Material Motion.


3) The right kind of speed:
The speed of the animation in an app is generally controlled by modifying the duration of the animation. It is the duration of animations which either makes or breaks a great user experience.

Follow the general rule and try to incorporate animations which have a duration of 0.3-1 second. The animations lesser than 0.3 seconds feel as if they don’t even exist because you can easily miss the transition.

Also if a user can notice them, such speed can easily confuse the app user. Even animations that are longer than 1 second do not have too many fans. Animations can feel very slow and prove as a barrier to smooth interaction between the users and the interface.

The most significant advantage of using snappy and quick animations is that your app feels faster and more responsive. If the animations lag a lot, your app will feel slow and broken, which is going to make the overall experience of using the app an unpleasant one.

The speed we are talking about is not just limited to the duration of the animation but also applies to the lag which happens between the first swipe gesture and animation which follows next.


Understand the Physics involved:

Nothing in this world starts or stops instantly. It always takes a considerable amount of time for things to speed up or slow down. Forces like friction, remember?

An ideal animation is natural in its behavior, which also helps to ease the cognitive load on a user in understanding and using the application. Other than the duration of animations, you should also familiarize yourself with the different kinds of easing that is used in the design:


1) Linear:

This is the animation which is brought to use without any easing. It is also the most unnatural, so limit its use to only when very necessary.


2) Ease-in:

Ease-in is an accelerated easing. The animation here begins gradually and ends quickly.


3) Ease-out:

Now it is the opposite of easing in. It is decelerated easing. The animation starts very quickly and slows down a bit at the end. This is the best option as the quick start lends a sense of responsiveness in the app and provides a natural slowness in the end.


4) Spring:

Spring is an animation which ends on a bouncing note. It is used in a large number of modern mobile applications due to its responsiveness and vibrancy. Once you close on the right kind of animations which are needed in your app, you will be able to extend the natural world into the devices of people, which is always better than a strange and abstract experience.



Based on the above discussion, you would have clearly understood how animations are a crucial part to create a great user experience without too much last-minute thinking.

Keep animation and the interaction in your mind right from the beginning so that the focus on overall experience remains constant during the entire process of product designing.

The principles discussed are timeless. If you are getting familiar with animations or are fully aware of them as well, these are some points which you need to always keep in your mind while creating new designs and applications.

Elevating user experience to new levels should always be your priority as a designer.

Speaking of a designer, are you looking for one? At GoodWorks Design, our creative team is acing the UX with animations. If you have a design idea and need help with execution, talk to us!.

Ready to start building your next technology project?