Category: Digital Transformation

5 ways to accelerate the digital transformation of your business

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technology to change existing and non-digital business operations and services or to generate new ones, in order to satisfy changing consumer and market expectations. In the business world, digital transformation is no longer a buzzword. Instead, it has become a survival, growth, and sustainability requirement. To remain competitive, businesses around the world have been bound to embrace digitalisation and new technology. However, putting a digital transformation strategy in place is a difficult task. It necessitates a substantial expenditure of time, resources, and money. This method drastically changes how businesses are conducted and how customers are served. Here are five strategies for  accelerating your company’s digital transformation.


Focusing on Customer Experience

Focusing on customer experience is critical for accelerating your company’s digital transformation as it helps understand and address your customer’s demands in a rapidly changing digital world. Businesses that prioritise customer experience can gain a thorough understanding of their customers’ needs, pain points, and preferences which can then be used to build and provide goods, services, and experiences that meet or exceed their demands.


Businesses can take advantage of digital transformation to personalise experiences, anticipate needs, and adjust interactions across all touchpoints by utilising tools and platforms that can collect and analyse massive volumes of customer data and feedback. Businesses can use data and analytics to uncover patterns and trends, optimise processes, and improve the entire customer experience.


Customers who are satisfied with your products or services are more likely to suggest them to others, therefore focusing on customer experience can help firms establish brand loyalty and advocacy. Furthermore, feedback from consumers can be utilised to promote continuous improvement and innovation, resulting in the development of new products and services that better meet your customers’ needs.



Digital Transformation


Embracing Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses store, process, and retrieve data. Migrating existing IT infrastructure to the cloud is one approach to speed up your business’s digital transformation. Cloud computing can allow your businesses to use computing resources on-demand, such as storage, processing power, and software applications, without investing in physical hardware or IT infrastructure. This can assist businesses in quick and cost-effective scaling of their operations, as well as reducing the time to market new goods and services. Cloud computing also provides a high level of security and dependability since cloud providers use strong security measures as well as backup and disaster recovery systems.


You can start with migrating low-risk applications like email, file-sharing, or customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and can progressively move towards more complicated applications. Cloud computing service providers provide a variety of services such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The best provider and service model for your company can be determined by its needs, budget, and level of skills.


Investing in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform businesses of all sizes and industries. Machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision are examples of AI technologies that can automate activities, personalize experiences, and create insights that were previously difficult to attain with traditional approaches. AI may assist businesses in lowering costs, increasing efficiency, and improving decision-making.


You may accelerate the digital transformation of your business by investing in AI technologies that align with the goals and operations of your business. Chatbots, for example, can be used to improve customer service, provide statistical analysis to optimize your supply chain, or picture recognition to improve existing marketing campaigns. However, putting AI into practice requires a thorough understanding of the technology, data, and ethical implications. As a result, you may need to hire or train AI professionals, collaborate with AI vendors, or seek advice from AI consultants.


Implementing DevOps Practices

DevOps refers to a collection of practices that combine software development (Dev) with information technology operations (Ops) in order to increase cooperation, efficiency, and quality. DevOps seeks to automate software delivery, expand feedback loops, and encourage a culture of continuous improvement. DevOps can assist firms in reducing time-to-market, reducing errors, and increasing customer happiness.


You can accelerate your company’s digital transformation by implementing DevOps practices that are appropriate for its size, complexity, and maturity. Infrastructure as code (IaC), Agile techniques, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), monitoring and logging are all examples of DevOps practices. As it involves cross-functional teams, shared responsibilities, and automation tools, DevOps calls for a shift in mindset, skills, and tools. As a result, you could need to teach your workers, acquire DevOps experts, or outsource DevOps services.


Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Along with technology, digital transformation is also about people and culture. Fostering an innovative culture is critical for accelerating your company’s digital transformation since it drives creativity, experimentation, and adaption. Employees working in a culture of innovation are empowered to identify challenges and opportunities, develop ideas and take risks to drive change and enhance procedures. This can lead to the creation of new goods, services, and business models that can assist your company in remaining competitive in a rapidly shifting digital landscape. By cultivating an innovative culture, you can also create a more flexible and responsive business that is quick to react to evolving customer demands and marketplace conditions. This can help your company remain ahead of the competition and capitalize on new opportunities. Furthermore, a culture of innovation can attract and retain top talent who are driven by the opportunity to work on challenging, creative and exciting projects and have a say in the company’s direction.


In conclusion, accelerating your company’s digital transformation requires a multidimensional approach that incorporates technology, people, and culture. Businesses may stay ahead of the curve and achieve sustainable success in today’s digital landscape by focusing on customer experience, embracing cloud computing, investing in artificial intelligence, using DevOps practices, and cultivating an innovative culture.


However, digital transformation is a continuous process that requires ongoing investment, monitoring, and improvement and GoodWorkLabs is just the right place for this. Do go and check out GoodWorkLabs to evolve your business rapidly and keep up with the rapid pace of digital change that evolves every single day.

How Software Development Consulting Can Benefit Your Business?

In this era of technological advancement, using the latest tech is a must for businesses. Gone are the days when companies didn’t rely on tech for the smooth functioning of business processes. The fast-paced world challenges business organizations to move with the flow, lest they are left behind. 

Using the right software for the right purpose is essential for business success. It is futile to deny the importance or relevance of tech in different business operations. However, expertise or extensive knowledge in tech and software is not possible. For this purpose, choosing the best software development consulting services is an excellent idea. 

Can software development consulting really help your business?

Are you wondering if the investment in software development consulting is a good idea? There is nothing wrong with seeking assistance when you are not proficient for the job. Software consultants are professionals who have in-depth expertise in analysing the software needs of the company. They also assist in choosing the right tech set or building the best IT infrastructure for the company. 

Here are the different ways the business can benefit from hiring software development consulting services –

  • Information on the best software approach for the organization

Software development consultants are highly skilled and experienced professionals. They can offer expert advice or suggestions on what software works best for your business. For this, the professionals analyze the existing methods and then make changes. These include updating the present systems, integrating new tech, etc. 

  • Cost-effective decision

Fixing ever-growing software issues takes a toll on the budget of the company. Moreover, hiring a full in-house team may not be beneficial for the finances of the organization. In that case, opting for a software development consulting firm is an excellent idea. You can tackle various issues quickly without leading to heavy revenue losses. 

  • Usage of cutting-edge tools

Software consulting agencies or professionals have the unique advantage of knowing and using the latest tools in the market. These are vital for the company to progress. Software development consultants have up-to-date information on the ever-changing tech and can offer relevant suggestions. That way, the business can know where to invest for the desirable results. 

  • Choose the necessary software 

Sometimes, it becomes easy to feel tempted in using different tech that your business might not even need. It leads to an excess expenditure for the company. Here, software development consulting services offer immense help. These experts produce a roadmap that lists the necessary software you need for achieving the desired results. 

  • Know about the new technology trends

The best way to stay ahead of the competition is to have up-to-date tech trends and integrate the latest technologies for the betterment of the business. One of the beneficial aspects of opting for software development consulting services is that they aid in the seamless implementation of the tech. That way, you won’t have to worry about the responsibilities pertaining to development. 

  • Expert knowledge of software development

Perhaps, the most advantageous aspect of choosing software development consulting services is the experience you get. The multi-experienced team members can offer valuable suggestions. You can obtain deployment and development services apart from knowing more about the best software approaches. That way, choosing the best tech for the company becomes easier. 


In order to stay relevant and ahead of the competition, opting for software development consulting services is crucial. It is vital to opt for assistance when you cannot keep up with the latest tech trends. There are numerous advantages your business can attain from this endeavor. However, for maximum productivity, you need to opt for the best software development consulting services. Check out –


Why Is Platform Strategy Important For Your Business?

Platform strategy is the latest buzzword for most industries, with a magnanimous surge in demand. Digital platforms have become an essential part of the day-to-day running of businesses and don’t exist in a silo anymore. Companies like Daimler, Nike, Apple, Facebook, Uber, and Unilever operate on a digital platform business model. It is an approach to entering a market that matches buyers and sellers, gaining value and market share from network effects, and harnessing its users to innovate.

Here, platform participants’ participation is interdependent with the choices of other users. The system relies heavily on feedback, coordinated best through a cross-functional team. A set of distinct tools are developed to help platform entrepreneurs and managers tackle the challenges of value creation and value capture.

Let’s get into the advantages and statistics that conveys about platform startegy –

  • Saves time and resources
    An effective platform strategy, undoubtedly, saves time, resources, and effort involved in keeping up with the market’s competition. One can risk losing business opportunities if competitors deliver the same level of value to target audiences, faster and seamlessly. “Everybody is running a product team. Their product might be technology, but they’re looking to understand the customer’s goals and figure out how to make them successful. We see that mentality at (external) customer touch points, but really you need to bring it to every level of the organization.”- Ryan Murray, Director of Digital Platform Strategy, Thoughtworks.
  • Creates value
    A digital platform is known to create a marketplace ecosystem, where all customer needs are covered with constant dialogues and feedback. It’s like a one-stop center for all kinds of needs, thereby, building customer loyalty and brand value. This helps establish stronger relationships with the target customers. As per 2019’s Mckinsey research, across products, sectors, and developed economies, a single digital platform prevails 75 percent of the time for brands. It’s important to build trust in various ways. For example, Airbnb rewards property owners for doing well, with good reviews and also, for posting accurate photos of their properties. The main aim is to design a platform that provides space for predictability and reliability.
  • Increased revenuesIncorporating a platform strategy in your business plan will not only give you a competitive edge but will also result in increased revenues by building a stronger customer base. Studies have proven that a strong user base yields far better results than a one-time expensive advertising campaign. Companies with platforms had an annual boost in earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of 1.4 percent, compared with the 0.3 percent gains of nonplayers, as per Mckinsey’s findings.

In short, if you are looking to expand your business’s user base, build closer relationships with suppliers and be a tough competitor in the market, you should definitely consider platform strategy.

GoodWorkLabs is a leading company in India that proves high-end digital platform strategy and services. Our latest technological services and tools including digital transformation, AI, and more, have been proven helpful to not only supply for the current demands but also prepare for the smart future. 

Check out all our services: 

What Does Gen-Z Expect From Their Workers?

Currently falling between the age group of 8-24 years, Gen-Z has officially entered the workforce. As per sources, they will make up to 27% of the workforce by 2025 and hence are getting prepared to be your future employees. Being aware of their needs and goals, this ‘internet smart’ and ‘woke’ generation demands much more from their employers.

Their values distinguish them from those of their predecessors, which are Millennials and Baby Boomers, making them consciously choose and decide where they work. Some aspects that Gen-Z majorly looks for include:

  • Ethical & Transparent Leaders:

Highly intuitive and observant, Gen Z are quite vocal about fair treatment at workplaces and appreciates transparency in the process. They won’t hesitate to take a stand for a cause and feel more validated when their leaders are open about their performance as well as ongoing work concerns. 

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusivity:

As per sources, a survey stated 69% of Gen-Z would ‘absolutely’ be more likely to work at a company that promotes an ethnically diverse and inclusive work environment. Also, 47% of them identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color), which is much higher as compared to Millennials and Boomers. Apart from this, they expect their employers to be unbiased in terms of their sexual orientation and want their offices to be a safe discrimination-free space.

  • Livable Pay:

Payscale satisfaction of Gen-Z has dropped down to 7 units from that of their predecessors. After jobs were highly affected by CoVID, this generation had to succumb to lower pay which often leads to frustration and lower job satisfaction. This generation prefers early independence and hence the pay to suffice their living expenses. In fact, 54% of Gen Z job seekers acknowledge that pay is their number one priority.

  • An Employer Who Cares:

They are extremely conscious and outspoken about social causes thus expect their workplaces to care for them too. Be it environmental, inequality, or anything else, Gen-Z doesn’t hesitate to take a stand and believes in bringing in the change and would always prioritize places that support them too.

  • Mentally Healthy Office:

Gen-Z has seen the world go through tremendous changes and challenges while growing up like climate change, political instability, and a global pandemic to be the least. As a result, they have been identified as the most stressed generation by the American Psychological Association. Thus, they want their employers to cultivate an emotionally supported environment where they feel safe and can openly talk about their internal challenges.

  • Personal meaning & Growth:

Gen-Z highly relates to finding purpose within their professional as well as personal lives and want employers, leaders, and mentors who enable them to find that.

Bringing in fresh ideas and strong work ethics, Generation-Z seems to be promising and full of potential. It is in our hands how we decide to provide for their needs and shape this workforce inculcating innovation and self-awareness.

Life at GoodWorks is much more than work. We always strive to cultivate a happy, inclusive, and employee-first culture that not only proffers a safe environment for our GoodWorkers but also where they can grow. Their happiness is our satisfaction! 

What To Expect In The Digital World After The CoVID-19 Pandemic?

The CoVID-19 pandemic has made irreplaceable shifts in the business world with a massive boom of technological services. The unprecedented year has taught us the enormous powers of the virtual world which are not only cost-effective but highly time-saving. Hence making it safe to say, the smarter ways of work that bore as silver linings in these tough times are here to stay with even more advancement in near future.

How has it changed?

As per studies, the pandemic has hiked global internet usage by 20% along with a 59% acceleration in the digital transformation of organisation. The number is only likely to increase in the coming future, as the virtual world has reshaped consumer needs, businesses have to keep up with the pace. Finding new solutions for the digital era expect much more from the service providers to stay ahead of the curve.

What to expect next?

Along with the technological upgrade, the digital shift also requires re-shaping the skill-set. Things that can be expected in the near digital future are:

  • Digital Labour:

The world has been slowly adapting to digital tools and bots, be it driverless cars, stores, or even eradicating mundane tasks from your to-do list. The future entails automation with the help of technological services such as RPA, staff augmentation, Big data, and so on. Aiming to reduce timespan and human labour, these services are gradually becoming a need of the future.

  • Flexible Workspaces:

As per the stats, more than 50% of millennials aren’t ready to return to regular 9-to-5. Having seen the possibility and benefits of remote work, the next-gen workspaces demand mobility and flexibility, giving rise to the high-level managerial tools and software through the power of digital.

  • Digital Skills:

With the massive increase in automation & technology, many jobs are likely to go obsolete. This births the need for newer digital skills including domain/functional skills, professionally handling digital platforms, and innovation & creativity under the domain of such services. Upcoming years demand upskilling to newer arenas so as to curb the likely wave of unemployment.

  • Capital-Conscious Models: 

The worldwide crisis has redefined capital expenditure cycles for many companies. Businesses need to remodel their basic structure as per digital needs since with less manpower, lesser hardware tools, and increasing remote working they have the liberty to churn out a much more profitable and environmentally friendly model. This opens a window of opportunity for leaders to move towards digital investments as well as accelerate gain-share models.


Digital transformation is undoubtedly not going anywhere and is here to uplift the economy in many ways. Businesses can leverage the power of digital to not only up their profits but work towards betterment which will enable the world to come together through smoother services.

GoodWorkLabs has been at the forefront, helping companies adapt to post-CoVID challenges in the business world and stay ahead in the game. Our latest technological services and tools including digital transformation, AI, game development, platform strategy, and more, have been proven helpful to not only supply for the current demands but also prepare for the future requirements. 

Check out all our services:

8 Design Tips for Wearables

Design Tips for Wearable Technology

With the growing popularity of wearables in the form of watches, wristbands, earphones, glasses, and rings, if you haven’t designed for a wearable yet, expect it soon.

A survey showed that 1  in 6 consumers are currently using wearable technology. Also, more than 70% of consumers in the age group of 16-24 years want to purchase a wearable device. This clearly shows an upcoming rise in the demand of wearables in the times to come.

The life of a designer is a roller coaster ride when it comes to designing wearables. So much has to be done with just a little piece of device. The set of challenges a designer faces while designing for wearables is unique. There are device limitations like smaller screen display, less battery life, and less information density. There is also a use case that people use it mostly when in motion. These all count for a set of tips to be kept in mind before designing for wearables.

1. Design for glanceability

The essence of design for a wearable is the glanceability. Glanceability is a term used for information designed for short moments of interaction.

The term was first coined in the context of screenless fitness trackers that were dependent on light to explain to the users what is going on.

However, in the context of a smartwatch, the definition changed entirely. Glanceability is more about sorting and displaying only the essential information to the user at any given moment.

In smartwatches, this is the first priority instead of reducing the interface down to the most basic visual feedback. The user should find it convenient to consume the content made, in less than 5 seconds.

Thus, it is imperative for the designers to keep the limited space in mind and display only crucial information.


2. Design light-weight interactions

Lightweight interactions are a must for short and crisp wearable user experiences.

If more than 10 seconds are required for user interaction, then you should redesign the interface to fit it in below 10 seconds. Show only required information that is essential for completing a task.

For reverting to a message, it’s better to avoid typing. Quick response templates should be offered and in case of longer responses, voice input option should also be provided.


3. Keep It Simple

The keep it simple principle in more applicable in wearables than in mobile and desktop user interfaces.

It should be cautiously taken care that the least amount of information and features are fed in the wearables. Avoid putting more actions and information than the required. Try and focus on one use case at a time and make a proper flow so that users can accomplish tasks quickly.


4. Design a Minimalistic Interface

Minimalistic design is a great fit for wearables. A minimalistic design covers everything from typography to color to object size. It means that the user should be able to interact easily with whatever is placed on the screen even when in motion.

We have outlined a few features that will help in developing a minimalistic design:

  • Sharp contrast: Contrast is a crucial element on small screens as it enhances visibility and readability.
  • Uncomplicated typography: A simple font which is readable from a distance should be chosen and it should be used in the wearable device. For example, Sans Serif works wonders when readability comes into question.
  • Adequate space between elements: To provide function and usability, you have to strike the right balance between too much space and too less space. Both of them are equally degrading for the design. Too much space will leave no room for other content to be placed while too less space will hinder the readability.


5. Minimize Interruption:

Would you like it if something constantly vibrates up against your skin during an important meeting or while you are asleep?

That is a big no, right?

Interruptions are disruptive highly on even large-screen smartphones. Now, if that is distractive what about the world of wearable that habitats on your skin?

Keep the interruptions minimum, so that the user can lead a blissful life in silence.


6. Focus on privacy:

With the advantage of being connected to the world every second, wearables are at risk of disclosing very personal information such as health data, private conversation, emails etc to anyone because they are at plain sight.

Given the issue, the designers should always opt for more privacy like vibrate first, then display the content and more such interactions.


7. Design for Offline Usage:

Why should people with internet have all the fun?

Think out of the box and create the utility of wearables even when not connected to the internet. Wearables are always on the move with us, definitely, they will face connectivity issues. Instead of always looking for a network, the user should have some offline utilities as well.


8. Check What’s Viable:

For designing a wearable, it is essential to check what is viable in terms of the capabilities and limitations of the platform.

Conduct proper research to assess the possibilities with the software development kit (SDK) and the physical capabilities which are available on the device.

If you skip the research part you might end up with unfeasible design ideas which is a huge risk in case of wearables and will definitely amount to a lot of rework.



Above principles might sound surfaced and very prudent. It is essential to keep the essence of simplicity while designing for a wearable in long run. The reason behind this is every interface is designed to empower a user to perform the desired activity quickly and with ease.

At GoodWorks Design, we have a team of highly proficient UX/UI designers for wearable technology.

Have an idea in mind? Connect with us at +91- 9863077000 or [email protected] 

GoodWorkLabs Fighting COVID-19 

Hit by a pandemic, we all have changed the way we have been working and prioritising work. Almost all the businesses in the world have changed their work approach and business model to fit in the new normal in the past few months. Understanding the gravity of the situation, many corporates are now providing a helping hand to the government, health-care institutes, and the public at large by helping them fight COVID-19 in one way or the other.

GoodWorkLabs, a world-leading technology organisation based in Bangalore, India and San Francisco Bay Area, USA has always been committed to helping businesses solve complex problems using technology. During these unprecedented times, we have pledged to help create sustainable and affordable tech solutions to fight the COVID-19 crisis. Being a futuristic tech company, we are looking forward to partnering with businesses/ startups to create effectively-designed tech solutions to combat the COVID-19 problems that the world is facing today.

We believe that even if the technology cannot prevent the onset of the pandemics, it can, however, help prevent the spread of infection, educate, empower, and warn people around. We can help businesses and start-ups optimise the trending technologies to fight COVID-19 – application development, cloud, IoT, big-data, AI/ML, etc.

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Mobile Application Development: 

GoodWorkLabs is one of the leading app development company in India. We are known for developing cutting-edge mobile applications and games on all major platforms – iPhone, Android, and Windows. With the hands-on experience in the app development industry, we have helped businesses and start-ups leverage their presence in the app store markets.

During the pandemic, the developers at GoodWorkLabs are highly motivated to use their talents and ideas in building an innovate mobile application that can help end-users be aware and safe during this pandemic.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

GoodWorkLabs comes with a vast experience of setting up an advanced centre of big data, AI, and ML technologies. We have worked with clients ranging from Start-ups to Fortune 500 companies to develop unique and helpful solutions using these technologies. We believe that big data, AI, and ML can transform business and its operations in the near future. Understanding the nuances of AI, ML, deep learning, language processing, and big data, we ensure to create solutions that are powerful and reliable backed by minutely detailed data.

Cloud and Internet of Things

At GoodWorkLabs, we have a dedicated and most skilled IoT app development team which is committed to delivering products and applications that bring change in the current times. Over the years, we have supported clients from India, the USA, and Europe in the optimization and automation of the IoT products. Seamlessly delivering the effective and ahead of time IoT products and applications is our key focus area at this moment.

Observing the current world crisis closely, we believe that the world has now truly understood the importance of digital readiness. The acceptance and usage of these digital technologies will help us be aware, ready, and fight the current and future pandemics. It is essential for the companies, corporates, and start-ups to focus on building necessary digital infrastructure and help the community and people stay safe and aware. We are in the times when we should take an approach where technology is used for people-centred problems.

In this regard, we are looking forward to partnering with businesses/start-ups to create effectively-designed tech solutions that combat the COVID-19 problems the world is facing today. Let us together make a difference and enable a COVID free world! Connect with us at [email protected] or call +91- 9863077000 and read about our service offerings in detail here.


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