
How To Bring Business And DevOps Together?

2 years ago

Modern IT business infrastructure is evolving at a lightning pace. Things need to be done ASAP, and meeting deadlines has become a norm. Matching this pace is a challenge for enterprises, and the ones who do, emerge victoriously. To fuel their modus operandi with speed and efficiency, businesses have incorporated DevOps. DevOps combines tools and a business’s underlying philosophy to provide deliverables fast and efficiently. For long departments have been working in silos, and DevOps dismantles this infrastructure and enables cross-platform databases to help them serve their customers better. Top companies such as Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Walmart and others have opted for the DevOps route for higher productivity. 


“DevOps is not a goal, but a never-ending process of continual improvement.”- Jez Humble, Author of The DevOps Handbook. 


Here’s how a company can adopt DevOps and channelize its benefits into its operations:

  • Thorough Research:

DevOps might sound cool, but businesses should take a well-planned approach towards implementing it. Enterprises need to understand their value streams and point out the obstacles in their flow. Earmarking those problems and improving on them is the first step towards adopting DevOps. They should ensure strong communication and collaboration to eradicate differences between departments. 

  • Step-by-step Adoption:

It’s always one level at a time. Dismantling an existing process and adopting this fast and efficient model can bring grave repercussions. Earmark a point and move up or down the value stream to create a series of effective changes. This process creates an ecosystem for quality monitoring, feedback and custom changes. Each enterprise is unique, and the process adoption of DevOps completely varies accordingly. 

  • Not Overlooking Numbers:

DevOps can be incorporated based on the metrics which reflect the quality of operations. Some of the crucial metrics required for DevOps adoption are as follows:

  • Failure Rate
  • Recovery Rate
  • Production Time
  • Deployment Speed
  • Deployment Frequency
  • Automating:

The underlying philosophy of DevOps is agility and efficiency, and automation is the best card to play while adopting it. Businesses should integrate this “modern world phenomenon” by adopting a step-by-step approach. Automation should be implemented with research-backed codes that suit the company’s requirements and give the existing deliverables a facelift. Also, automation shouldn’t alienate any of the integral departments of a business and should keep everybody in a loop. 

  • Emphasizing Quality:

Speed and quality are an integral part of DevOps, and both should go hand-in-hand. During the integration process, it’s important to run regression and smoke testing to ensure quality deliverables. Companies can also implement automation in selected areas of testing to ensure a smooth run. 



DevOps empowers operations to the maximum level of efficiency. With leading companies using it, its reach will grow in the years to come when businesses adapt to a stronger, smarter and inclusive environment for working and churning out deliverables to the best of their ability. 

GoodWorkLabs is a leading company in India that provides high-end digital platform strategies and services. Our latest technological services and tools including digital transformation, AI, and more, have been proven helpful to not only supply for the current demands but also prepare for the smart future. 

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