Software Development

Integrate React Native With Existing iOS Or Android App

2 years ago

Do you want to integrate an existing Android or iOS app with React Native? While it is true that you might find some technical difficulties in the beginning, if you opt for the right procedure, the process becomes seamless. Moreover, there are numerous benefits that you can gain from the integration of React Native to the existing app.

Benefits of integrating your existing app with React Native

There are numerous advantages that you can gain from opting for the integration of React Native with the existing application.

Here are the benefits listed. Take a look –

  • Code reusability

With React Native, you can reuse codes for both iOS and Android apps. Did you know that you can reuse 90% of the codebase if you integrate React Native with the existing app? That reduces time and cost considerably. As React Native is an open-source framework, you can get access to shared codebases with ease. That aids in the speedy development of the app. Moreover, you can also take assistance from the active community.

  • Budget-friendly

It is true that creating native apps is costly. You will need to hire separate app development teams for iOS and Android platforms. But, the integration of React Native with the existing apps can cut down the costs significantly. With React Native, there is no need to hire two separate teams. Instead, you can opt for a small professional team and get the app at a reduced budget.

Steps to integrate React Native with the existing Android or iOS app

There are some steps that you need to follow to conduct the integration of React Native with the existing app seamlessly. Here are the steps –

  • Develop a directory structure

Firstly, you need to organize the app you have with the folder architecture of the React Native project. That way, you can use the React Native CLI.

  • Install JS dependencies

Now, you need to go to the root directory. There, you must create a new package.json file with specific contents. After that, you need to install the React Native packages.

  • Update the existing native code

After that, you must move on to updating the native code you have. You can delete some aspects of the dependencies.

  • Build powerful bridges

Here, you need to develop powerful bridges in order to ensure that the data exchange between the JavaScript code and native code occurs seamlessly.

  • Opt for the Reactive-Native module registration

Go for a manual approach while installing the external native module for React Native. With ReactInstanceManager, you will need a plug-in.

  • Create the bundled assets

Next, you must develop the bundled assets. For that, you can use the command used in JavaScript.

  • Add React Native content

To add React Native content, you can use AppRegistry. The iOS and Android commands are different.

  • Test the React Native integration

After you have integrated React Native with the existing app, you need to test the integration. For that, start the Metro bundler and develop the index bundle package. Initiate the server on the localhost. Run App Transport Security exception and verify.


These are some major benefits that you can gain from the integration of React Native with the existing application. You can also follow these steps to make sure that integration occurs without much hassle. However, you need to choose the best app development company for excellent results.

Check out the portfolio of GoodWorkLabs, based out of Bangalore, India. Their experienced team will not only make an amazing application for you but also make sure that you can track the progress of your application and it stands unique and fascinates users. To discuss further, contact here!