Categories: UX UI Design

What’s in store for UX Designers in 2016

8 years ago

“Experience” has been the buzzword in the web development industry for a couple of years now, but of late, it significance has been growing among users and customers. This must be a good think and in 2015, all forward thinking companies focused on delivering a lingering “experience” through their online platforms. In 2016, it can be comfortably predicted that the term “User Experience” or UX would rise in importance for all stakeholders – the developers, the businesses and the audience.

“UX is all about how we live, about everything that we do and about everything that surrounds us.”

Here are the top 5 predictions for the UX design industry in 2016:

1.     Testers liberated

The increasing significance of UX has led to companies invest more in testing to nullify all possible errors. Testing is a means to improve the quality of the website and prepare it for the real world. Adobe’s Digital Optimization Survey states that only about 44% of global businesses invest around 5% in website/app optimization. In 2016, things are going to change when testing will become a standard practice before anything is deployed for the masses. To ensure a greater degree of credibility, testers would also be helped out by in-app usability testing platforms and other automatic testing tools.

2.     The merge of digital and physical experience

We talk of all the modern conveniences but there’s still more joy in a family shopping experience – when several people go out and have a say on a product they are eyeing for someone. Well, today internet of things makes this possible even when you are on a digital shopping spree. Flipkart has recently launched a social shopping platform called “Ping” where a large group of people can have a say on a singular buy. If your group is searching something for a birthday boy, this collaborative experience makes the “buying” more fun. UX like this would be rewarded in 2016.

3.     Automation and AI take front seat

Artificial Intelligence would have a greater say in the designing of online platform and apps. Businesses are already starting to take a lot of user input to analyze the right type of content, color scheme, imagery, typography and design layout for web projects. Automation would similarly help designers come out with preferences defined by analytics and put them into the final work.

4.     Integrated wearable

Till now it was Apple and Google take the front seat when it came to wearable devices. In 2016, brands like Sony, Polo and Nike too would become a player in this industry. Wearable devices have just not entered the market but have become the means to the trendiest technologies that the human race has seen. This development also gives a chance to UX designers to create more magic and push the envelope!

5.     Storytelling

Everyone is eager to hear a good story. UX designers in 2016 can use storytelling through their design to capture the attention of the executive and the investor. Further, user-driven storytelling will promote concepts as if they are a reality already. Easily digestible, short and out-of-the-box, these will be the tools of next generation pitches.