Categories: iOS

Top Fixes Rolled Out by Apple for iOS 9

9 years ago

On September 23rd 2015, Apple brought out a minor update aimed at several bug fixes for the recently launched iOS 9. The update comes just a week after iOS 9 was released on 16th September. For users who have already adopted iOS9, this update would prove beneficial to squash the bugs in the OS. There have been several reports of disambiguation with the iOS 9 and Apple answers with the iOS 9.0.1. Here are the problems that these update is meant to resolve.

  • Incomplete setup problem with iOS9

Apple’s support page for iOS 9 reported that some users were unable to complete the setup after having downloaded and installed it. This is the biggest reason why iOS 9.0.1 was released. The bug prevented several users from updating their devices – iPhones, iPod Touch and iPads. According to the users, once they have downloaded the iOS 9, the bug caused the device screen to freeze and the “Slide to update” became irresponsive.

Initially, Apple suggested users to force restart their devices and restoring the data from iTunes. Users would need to first take a backup of their device, download iOS 9, force restart and restore from iTunes. Factory reset was another alternative. IOS 9.0.1 now allows users to complete the setup through a hard reset.

  • Failing timers and alarm clocks

While setup was the main issue with iOS 9, some users also reported that after iOS 9 was installed the timers failed to make any music / sound. This issue was also resolved through iOS 9.0.1 and you can get back to your regular timer scheduling.

  • Distorted frames with paused videos and photos

This was among the most annoying problems with iOS 9. Early users of iOS 9 reported that whenever they paused a video in the Safari mobile browser, they would encounter distorted frames. The same thing happened with photo slide shows. IOS 9.0.1 however fixes the issue and you can expect a smooth experience henceforth.

  • Lost cellular data with custom APN setup

APN setup allows iOS users to edit access point names (APN) to manually select the network path for cellular data. Users who had downloaded the iOS 9 on their iPads and iPhones reported that the version somehow caused them to lose cellular data. Again, iOS 9.0.1 fixes the issue.

Apart from these, iOS 9 has received an exceptional feedback from global Apple users. The week that the new iOS version was launched, more than 50% of users had already downloaded it. This has in fact been the fastest adoption for any version of Apple. The immediate release of the iOS 9.0.1 was well timed to not disappoint the audience. This set of bug fixes was quicker than it had been with iOS 8.0.

However, one problem still remains unanswered by Apple. Alicia Marie Tan from Mashable reports that a security loophole still allows people to get around the pass code through activation of Siri. This gives access to the clock app (and thus your schedules) photos and even contacts. Apple is expected to resolve this problem soon. Till then, make sure that your phone/device doesn’t get into the hands of someone who can infringe your privacy.