
3 Advantages Of Apache Lucene

6 years ago

Apache Lucene – High Performance Guaranteed


Apache Lucene is a high performance search and information retrieval technology. The basic language behind this open source search technology is Java Script and it is all compatible with all the applications which require a full text search, especially, in cross-platform. Due to its high performance, scalability and relevancy, many bigshot organizations like IBM, AOL and Comcast Interactive Media bank upon it.

Currently, it is the powerful tool, running successfully all over the world. It also has great contributors, contributing from all around the world. Some of them are CNET, APPLE, Linkedin, IBM, Monster, MySpace, etc.


Why is Lucene the number one searched technology?


There are many specific features of Apache Lucene; let us discuss its 3 most powerful advantages:

1-Speed and high performance indexing

In terms of speed, there is none that can match Apache Lucene. This benefit is due to its Java framework. It only takes sub-seconds to result a query and this makes it very effective solution for any organization. It has great parameters to stand out from the crowd and efficiency is what, that makes it likable of all business players. As the speed increases, so does the overall performance. It also has a very small requirement of RAM, maximum 1MB. Also, its incremental indexing is faster than batch indexing.


2-Efficient and accurate search algorithms

In terms of Algorithm, it has ranked highest with best results returning first. In fact, to support the most accurate search, it features power queries including proximity queries, phrase queries, range queries and wild card queries. The option of field searching is available and you can start the search even by the name of author, title, and other search terms.

To elevate accuracy in the search function, it has multiple-index search features with merges results. It allows searching and updating simultaneously to provide the best results. Some of the pluggable ranking models used by Apache Lucene are OkapiBM25 and Vector Space Model. It also provides features like highlighting, flexible faceting, and result grouping.


3-Open source and cross Platform

Apache Lucene an open source program by Apache Software Foundation. It is currently free for all types of usage, including the open source programing and commercial purposes. There is no initial cost of the software and hence, it is quite benefiting for the businesses which are too new to input funds in software development, etc. Also, besides it has 100% javascript, it can still be implemented in other programming languages as well. However, the other implemented language should be index-compatible.

In fact, Apache Lucene provides complete source code so that the organization, using it at user end, does not need to re-write its own code. In fact, the most interesting fact is that, Lucene has forums for discussing the shortcomings while handling it. You can actively participate in discussions to help resolve other’s issues or get cleared off yours.


Apache Lucene has quickly emerged as a search technology of the latest generation packed with an array of powerful features. So, with the 3 above mentioned advantages, it certainly makes the best open source software to be used by any organization.