Just starting off in games development? Then this post is for you

10 years ago

If you have just started off with developing games for computer or mobile, we completely understand your unbridled enthusiasm and passion behind your latest career move. However wouldn’t it be good benefit from nifty bits of suggestion based on our own experience? These points will help you avoid repeating a mistake that has happened in the past and take advantage of the hard learning’s of others. So here we go –

1. Avoid exploring complex ideas first – Games genres such as First Person Shooter (FPS) are hard to develop and it ultimately saps up the energy and time out of you by the time you are done. Are you ready to invest such a long development time without worrying about its time to market?  Can your first project compete effectively against popular games like Call of Duty? Isn’t it better to start small, gain valuable experience and then move on to bigger things?

GoodWorkLabs tip of the day – Irrespective of the size of your project, make sure that you break your project into manageable tasks, get it executed, get it tested and step back to enjoy the results

2. Don’t ignore prototypes – Prototypes helps you determine whether an element, sound or character you are adding is necessary or redundant. It helps you cut down on wastages and help you check if your game, in its simplest form, is engaging. This will present you enough reasons to put in dedicated development time and efforts.

GoodWorkLabs tip of the day – If time is on your side, go ahead with creating 3-4 prototypes. This helps in mitigating risks by knowing that at least one of the designs will click.

3. Note it down – Make full use of the Game Design Document (GDD). It will help you keep your thoughts organized and going in a single direction. Be it characters, user interface, soundtrack or gameplay, keep all of it in tight control by noting it down.

GoodWorkLabs tip of the day – Many times random thoughts might come up which may or may not be used in the current project. Keep a section “Miscellaneous’ for such random/extra stuff.

4. Don’t test on friends – Reach out to complete strangers (who are gamers) for their unbiased advice that can improve your game. Break away from the comfort zone of test play with your friends.

GoodWorkLabs tip of the day – Did you know that you can take the latest build of your game to show off to general audience in trade shows, game festivals or events?

5. Don’t ignore marketing till the very end – If you do something well, learn how to sell it well too. Focusing only on technical aspects without getting the test play to a larger unbiased audience will lead to coverage problem upon release.

GoodWorkLabs tip of the day – In addition to marketing to publishers or app stores, make sure you also connect with the end user and incorporate their feedback for better success.

Here’s wishing you all the very best for your indie game development endeavor. Write in to us and share your feedback on how effective was this post in your first games development effort.