Categories: MobileTechnology

iOS App Approval Process

9 years ago

Apple is well known for the exacting standards of quality that they have made an integral part of their work ethic. This standard of quality is clearly discernible from the classy elegance and finesse of Apple products and the kind of immersive user experience that they routinely provide millions of people.

These same stringent standards are also a part of their approval process for apps to be features on the Apple App Store. Many iOS developers remain wary of their apps being rejected while under review by Apple, owing to the fact that the Apple App Store remains a realm where it is difficult and painstaking for developers to enter and be recognized.

If you are an iOS developer, you can do your work without the anxiety if you develop a deep understanding of the iOS app approval process, and design your apps with the process in mind from the ground up. Having this understanding helps you to see the challenges, be in tune with the standard requirements, and create apps which easily pass the test with Apple.

Getting Apps for iOS Approved the Right Way

Since its inception, the Apple App Store has had a strict approval process in place to control the quality of the apps that they make available to their users. Here is a brief step-by-step outline of the approval process –

  1. Submission – As a developer, you need to first read and understand the app review guidelines that Apple has in place. Keeping them in mind from the start is a more efficient way of doing things than developing first and making tweaks later. When your app is complete, debugged and performing the way you want it to, it is time to submit it to the Apple App Store for review. During submission, you need to furnish all the information that Apple requires in an accurate manner.
  2. Guidelines – Apple has compiled a detailed and exhaustive list of guidelines for developers. Once you submit your app, it is time for them to review it based on those guidelines. The guidelines involve all possible aspects and factors relating to mobile apps, including metadata, notifications, data storage, API use, content, design and user interface, transactions, privacy issues, legal implications and more. Apple reviews your app based on the totality of this list of criteria, and when the approval process is through, informs you about their decision.
  3. Communication – Apple provides you with detailed review data throughout their review duration. If your app is rejected or close to rejection, they provide you with a list of factors and reasons which you can use to correct your mistakes and resubmit your app for further review. The key is to communicate transparently with Apple regarding your development project, to pay heed to their feedback and suggestions, and to fine-tune your app so that it meets the stringent guidelines Apple have set to maintain their standards. Once you are through with this process, your app gets released for public use and you get featured as an iOS developer on the Apple App Store.

Hope this interesting read will help you in your iOS app approval process in the near future. All the best!