Big Data

5 Reasons to use Apache Cassandra database

6 years ago

Advantages of Apache Cassandra Database

As one of the better-known NoSQL database, Apache Cassandra is fast becoming a preferred database of enterprises and SME’s alike. Its robust performance in applications needing heavy write systems traversing massive volumes of data is what makes it stand apart from its contemporaries.

A typical Cassandra database consists of keyspace (similar to a schema in a relational DBMS), column families (consistent with a table in a relational DBMS), and rows/columns. It also utilizes a Cassandra Query Language (just like SQL) to retrieve records, carry out actions, and communicate with the Cassandra database.


Here are five reasons why Cassandra makes for a great database system

1. No single point of failure

Its masterless architecture makes Cassandra highly fault tolerant. Because of this, any downtime affecting a few nodes will not impact the overall performance of the system.  This enhanced fault tolerance level is a great draw for enterprises who wish to provide ‘always-on’ online services to their customers.

If we look beyond a single datacenter then Cassandra can be of great help. It allows seamless replication of the data center, thus facilitating a strong disaster recovery and backup/retrieval system within your organization.

2. Handling massive datasets made easy

Hulu, NetFlix, Instagram, and Apple, the list of enterprise users who benefit from Cassandra speak a lot about its capability to handle humongous volumes and variety of data. If your organization too faces a probability of data volume expanding exponentially and scaling up at a rapid rate then you need not look beyond Cassandra.

You can rely on Cassandra to continue delivering optimized performance without any impact of the huge rapid change in the data it is handling

3. Logging is simplified

In today’s homogenous environment, a typical company has to deal with multiple clients and servers (Android, web, iOS to name a few). In such an environment, logging and analyzing logs become huge challenges to deal with. Cassandra comes across as a viable solution to centralized logging.

This way, your development team need not spend a lot of time on logging and can instead focus on better product development.

4. Fast reads and superfast writes

Workloads like metrics collection and logging need extremely fast writes for optimal performance. This is where Cassandra scores heavily over its peers. It offers a scalable read-write performance. This means that if you know a single server’s write performance, you can accurately assess how many servers are needed in a particular cluster to meet the performance expectations.

5. Active community support

A lot of young minds are focused on expanding the possibilities around Cassandra. They are highly active and provide assistance in case of issues around managing or configuring complex database setups using Cassandra. The monitoring and troubleshooting systems around the software make it a truly high-performance open source NoSQL database system.

Thus, it is clear that Cassandra offers a host of benefits that can add tremendous business value to your tech offerings. It is time that you explore Apache Cassandra for your enterprise database management needs.