Categories: IoT

5 UX Challenges With Internet of Things (IoT)

7 years ago

In the emerging trends, Internet of Things (IoT) is the most discussed technology that has impressed users across the globe by transforming the way they complete their daily tasks. As per Juniper’s recent report, the IOT connected objects, sensors, devices, and actuators are expected to reach over 46 billion in 2021(approximately.) Since a lot of new advancements will be experienced in ‘smart’ devices, apps and products, UX designers may experience various challenges while coping up their products and services with this technology. Read the article below to know about some current problems that every UX designer is facing while making products and services available for the future:

1.     Challenges While Designing the Application

It is important to keep in mind while creating IoT products that they are the dumbest versions of modern devices. Incorporating artificial intelligence and an argument for adopting the change are the two prime concerns that aren’t easy to resolve. Product designers may get stuck while crafting something that can work as per the main functioning of an application.

2.     Usability Concerns

IoT is automating monotonous tasks to enhance user efficiency and effectiveness. One of the biggest challenges a user experience designer faces is – IoT being in its infancy stage. Since no OEM has developed a product individually, most of the marketed gadgets lack usability. Another major constraint is that these products aren’t using traditional approach because the current knowledge and experience aren’t applicable at all. Gadgets can be only optimized and improved basis research, and it will take some time.

3.     Device Connectivity – Are We Prepared?

If IoT is the future, then it is imperative to consider that the future devices will be of no use if they aren’t connected to the network. Since the entire process works on transferring data without human intervention, it becomes a mandate for users to stay connected over the same network. Laptops and Smartphones facing network issues is quite common, what if your hundred dollars smart device also displays the same error? The biggest question is – are we ready for this? The answer is No. Developers will require discovering newer ways to handle such situations on IoT devices as they won’t be online all the time.

4.     Glitches – Something You Can’t Ignore

The IoT brings new and exceptional challenges for UX designers. We are entering the world where the poor web or mobile UX may survive, but the poorly functioning smart object with delayed experience could be problematic. A burnt toast or breakfast will never be welcomed with a pleasing smile; however, a delayed web page experience can be tolerated for some time.

5.     UX Should Be a Priority

While making products for the future, the user experience designing should be the priority because a single issue in the product or its features may ruin the entire experience. The principle for designing IOT’s product is – make it work, incorporate efficiency, add security, and bring on the innovations.


Working on the core principles of ensuring task handling processes faster and comfortable, the technology is creating endless possibilities for making everything connected over an app. Since many users may not adopt IoT empowered devices quickly, designers and manufacturers must incorporate certain features in them to compel users for choosing the smart devices over traditional ones.