Categories: UX UI Design

10 Do’s and Don’ts of UI and UX design

8 years ago

We people somehow always like the human touch – the idea of going to a grocery store to buy things, taking an up-close look of the product we are going to pay for and looking for precisely tailored experiences. Convenience doesn’t mean that we close our eyes to what is being delivered to our doorsteps. This is where UI and UX play a major role in defining our online experiences. Like we don’t want to stand in a queue for buying movie tickets, we also don’t like waiting for a slow loading page or a slow transaction process. Convenience in the internet platform is being able to order products and access information right when we need them and be on our way. Ecommerce stores have begun to understand this inherent need of the online consumers. Consequently, they are investing more time and money into catering experiences that are friendly and qualitative.

Since the modern marketplace has been taken to a new platform, it comes with several new challenges. Here are 5 do’s and 5 don’ts that every ecommerce business need to be wary of.

The Do’s

  1. Consistent experience regardless of the access device: An ecommerce store can be accessed from a variety of devices ranging from traditional desktop screens to smaller smart phones. However, it is necessary that the experience remains consistent throughout. A user graduating from desktop environment to a smart phone screen should be able to navigate with the same intuitiveness.
  2. Recognizable navigation: Adding to the above point, it is necessary that users understand the layout of the online marketplace, regardless of the device. This would allow them faster access to the required content / product / service.
  3. Visitor demand being the focal point in the screen: Users visit a website / app searching for specific items, be it information or products. It is the task of the UI designer to make the desired information the focal point in the landing page/screen. This ensures that the visitor is satisfied right away.
  4. Working links: Users don’t want to go through the complete ordering process only to find out that the order cannot be shipped to the desired location in the last page. The frustration is the same when you have broken or erroneous links in your online marketplace.

Customized browsing experience: Let the users be the boss of how they would like to shop. Forced upon subscriptions, campaign videos and automatic scrolling takes away the control from the user.

The Don’ts

  1. Design hindering readability: Many a times, in an effort to create a highly graphic website, UI designers sacrifice upon the readability of the content. This is a strict ‘no’.
  2. Lack of user control on scrolling: Just like we would like to research different products on the store shelf before choosing one, the online buyer too likes to get as much information about a product before placing an order. They scan for visual clues that should give them access to more information. If you start removing these elements from the screen, the user is confused and will switch to a different store!
  3. Filling the screen with irrelevant content: Understand that the online shopping is always in a hurry. Giving them irrelevant information will only frustrate them.
  4. Slow loading pages / content: Again, online shoppers don’t have the time for the content or the product image to load. They want everything instantly.
  5. Having several things competing for attention: Including UI elements that fight for attention will only confuse the user. Follow a visual hierarchy in everything that you integrate into a webpage.